![]() 07/09/2019 at 07:56 • Filed to: Idiots, Road Rage, Morons, Bad drivers | ![]() | ![]() |
Sorry for the early morning rant. On the way to the airport in a hurry on a single lane road 45 to 55mph limit and this guy in a Fusion was doing the speed limit as maxium. I hung back with the distance that wasnt outritght tailgating but one-two car lengths behind as to say “hey you need to speed up”. Didnt get a chance to pass as well so just matched his speed. So anyway I do the drop off and we both left around the same time.
I figured I was going to end up behind him again so I started passing him in the road taking you outside the airport (multiple lanes) . Nope! he would have none of that. Figured it’s the “how dare you pass me!” idiots and he started speeding. I passed him anyway, and he was now pissed (where was this speed while you where coming here btw?) Full on, aggressively riding my bumper. So no one should tailgate you while you drive like a grandma but the moment someone passes you, it’s ok to speed past the limit and tailgate me eh?
By this time 2 other cars had merged into the single lane road back into town from the airport. I hung back, drove normally and waited for the passing zone which I knew exactly where it was. Got a chance behind the 2nd one who was doing the limit, sped up to like 8 over and came back behind another car, and this fucker is still tailgating me passing along with me! I was like ok you want to play buddy? time to lose you, I can accelerate and brake faster than you. It was still the passing zone and there were no other cars in sight on the opposite lane. Trusted my radar detector, just as the passing zone was ending sped up quickly to 12 over passed, slowed down and came out right in front. He couldn’t do it and was stuck behind the first car and now I was free.
I turned into my neighborhood couple of miles down the road where it became 2 lanes again and I could see him go on straight, weaving across lanes passing all the cars now that traffic had also increased.
In hindsight, I probably shouldn’t have done the second pass. But I was totally done with this asshole tailgate me. Probably wouldn’t have done it if I didn’t know the road so well and I didn’t have a detector.
And yes, i know the best response is to start slowing down and that is what I have done 99% of the time. If it were the freeway I would have come to the right most lane and done that, but this time even I was irritated and thought time to get far away from this guy.
![]() 07/09/2019 at 08:01 |
speed limit as maximum
That’s how speed limits are supposed to work..........
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Eh, if I had another 10+ minutes to drive, I’d pass him like you did (if I was alone in the car). On a s horter trip or with other passengers, I just sit back and chill, even if it’s going 5 under the limit.
I’ve seen too many junkies and weirdos start altercations over the perception that you’re calling them out for bad driving. Not worth it.
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Likewise, most people can’t handle driving at the current speed limits, raising them because everyone speeds anyway doesn’t suddenly fix terrible drivers.....
Honestly if someone is doing 5 under the limit, I don’t get mad as they are following the posted law. I’m also not bothered if someone who thinks their time is more important than everyone else’s decides my 4-5 over isn’t fast enough. Just settle in and let it go, life will be much less stressful.
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Depends where you live. The speed limit is definitely a minimum in my AO, with cops and even radar cameras giving you a 10-15mph buffer before you get a ticket.
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Agreed in theory but not in practice. Context matters. This is a rural single lane road. You do anything less than 5 over the limit you will get aggresivley tailgated, not by me but someone else for sure. 10 over the limit is what all the locals do, even the cops dont care. And this guy was neither a tourist nor a rental car returning to the airport.
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I did have 10+ minutes more and after the second pass had not a single car in front of me till I reached home.
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beca use some people have a superiority complex and are complete and utter dicks
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And a good number of these assholes can be seen in these, at least in my experience:
Yes, you're faster than my minivan, so how about using a little bit of that power before I need to pass you?
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LOL, I drive the sedan. But I fully agree with this stereotype in addition to its cousin the 350/370Z. Also, my observation is that older the car, the bigger the asshole. You won’t find a douche bag driving a new Q60 coupe but an old G35 coupe? 9/10 times.
![]() 07/09/2019 at 08:47 |
I understand your frustrations on the drive home, but if a car going at or just under the speed limit is causing you to cut it close on time, you didn't give yourself much of a buffer.
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True, maybe if we had left even a minute earlier he would have ended up behind me. The worst part was that there wasn’t a single car in front of him till a mile before the airport.
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I do think minimum limits should be a thing, frankly, but unless you’re hanging around 20km/h under the limit or worse (talking highways) I really don’t care—IF you’re in the correct lane. Hanging around in the fast lane below (or in Ontario, even at or slightly above) the limit IS obstruction of traffic, plain and simple.
In general I subscribe to the idea of “do whatever you want as long as you aren’t in my or anyone else’s way”... Going slow in the right hand lane is both legal and making an effort to be out of everyone else’s way. I can both think you incompetent and respect what you’re doing. Move out of that lane and you’re a moron.
Don’t think this is coming from a street racing speed freak, either. I’ve been on the other side plenty, eg trying to find addresses or turns in an unfamiliar area. It drives me nuts to be an obstacle on the road and I don’t understand how these people live with themselves. I’d much rather pull onto the shoulder to let you pass (where possible) or speed up, keep watching street numbers, and go around the block when I see what I’m looking for. As far as the highway goes, if I happen to be in the passing lane and someone decides they want to pass at a higher rate of knots than I do, I will be speeding up for you unless I know an area is infested with cops. Even if you’re going way faster than I think is reasonable, I’d rather you just weren’t behind me. Let’s be honest here, apart from anything else, an aggressive driver is still a lot safer to everyone than a frustrated aggressive driver.
And above all else, if speed is a genuine concern (I happen to think it’s overblown and cops should concentrate far more on distracted, erratic or intoxicated driving—speed IMO is largely low-hanging fruit because they can point a wallet zapper at you and collect $50), it’s the ROAD DESIGN that needs to change. People will respond far more to, say a narrowing of lanes, than an arbitrary number written on a sign. And the further out of touch with reality that number is, the more people will ignore it. On top of that, the speed differential between people driving at what is a reasonable speed for the road design and people who religiously follow the limit becomes much bigger as well... and that IS dangerous.
Wow lotta text dammit I’ve got work to do today
![]() 07/09/2019 at 08:53 |
This is true. Rule of thumb--if you’re never getting stuck in traffic, you ARE the traffic.
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There is a highway near my house that exists purely for left laning apparently. After a certain point it goes from 4 to 2 lanes. Without fail, a left laner doing 50 in a 55 suddenly floors it to 70 to get ahead when it merges, every time. Then they slow back down to 50. 55 is the limit, but 65 is the “limit”. I assert dominance, each and every time this occurs.
The last time this happened, I was in my mother’s Azera. Thanks to lolHyundai, the 3.3 V6 rolls coal. I left a tuned diesel cloud. It was glorious.
![]() 07/09/2019 at 09:02 |
Without fail, a left laner doing 50 in a 55 suddenly floors it to 70 to get ahead when it merges, every time. Then they slow back down to 50.
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The Vette is great at passing.
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Hah, speed limit is not even the minimum here in LA. It's more like a "suggested speed in case you are driving a semi or its raining". Otherwise it's 80mph, regardless of what the sign says. Granted speeding tickets are actually VERY expensive here but that doesn't seem to deter people. Until they get to a road with turns, then people forget how to drive entirely and drive like a grandma.
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Third gear sorts that problem out nicely. Your SUV isn’t going to out accelerate me from 50-70.
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I need to install cut-outs for passing people like this. Deafen them with freedom.
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It would be hard for me to resist not to pass everyone with an even faster car. And with electric cars becoming more cheaper in the future, something like a Tesla S P100D with instant torque; It would be impossible to not come across as an asshole. Wanna cut me off? “Zip.. boom! I’m in your spot. #Denied” . Hogging the lane? “whoosh! I’ve passed you and now I’m in front of you before you can even say- tailgate”
Heck the model3 performance can smoke a Hellcat
I should probably buy a slower car next time.
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No matter what the person getting passed is doing, the guy in the yellow Corvette passing them is the asshole.
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But speed limits aren’t meant to fix terrible drivers, rather are usually implemented as a revenue stream by people with huge benefits packages who also effectively can’t be fired.
I don’t know of many non-school zone areas where the po-po d oesn’t give at least a 5-10mph buffer.
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“ You won’t find a douche bag driving a new Q60 coupe” ... um, how do I break out the news nicely for you ... ;-)
My own scientific research show that Infiniti (one Infinitu s, several Infiniti ?) qualify as douche baskets even more than BMWs. Either the “young professional” who can’t afford to lease a 328, or the “ older gentleman” straight into his late mid life crisis who don’t know about cars but wants to impress the divorcees in his recentl y purchased downtown-ish condo.
But I feel your pain, the “ you shall not pass ” bro are everywhere. I may or may not commute in a Panamera , the only presence of this car on the road turns innocent commuters into insufferable douchebags with things to prove.
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the only presence of this car on the road turns innocent commuters into insufferable douchebags with things to prove.
Had a 3 series before this. I have seen it. I could see the stark difference when I drove my wife’s civic.
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With tailgaters I like to do the ol drop it to closest gear to redline. High compression engines have great engine braking and your taillights never turn on. Plus once you’ve slowed a bunch, you are still at the top of the rev range to floor it and get away from them. Win win
![]() 07/09/2019 at 10:09 |
revenue stream by people with huge benefits packages who also effectively can’t be fired.
If you’re not caught speeding there is no revenue stream......
Honestly, cops giving the “buffer” and judges letting people off for 5-10 over is why NO ONE bothers adhering to the posted LIMIT.
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Or maybe it is reasonable cops and judges tacitly admit that many of the “limits” are arbitrary and can’t be defended, so they don’t bother with the small stuff, and only pursue the actual dangers? Unless one can show data that a limit is optimal, they shouldn’t preach it.
Laws aren’t just simply because they are laws. And in a burgeoning oligocracy where actual people have little real influence, having enforcers and judges who keep it real with logical enforcement are actually doing a service.
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Yup. Done that many, many times. Manually downshift, and mine redlines at 7200RPM. Plus the noise tells them to back off most of the time but some are clueless or just assholes.
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Rural single lane road, in the morning.
Aka a good time to be driving under the speed limit watching for critters. Maybe he knew something you didn’t?
Sorry, I’m in a hurry is no excuse for your behavior, you should have left a couple minutes sooner and you wouldn’t have been in a hurry, making the cautious driver a non issue, making both your days much simpler.
![]() 07/09/2019 at 10:32 |
“Maybe he knew something you didn’t?” LOL. All the benefits of doubt were thrown out the window when he started dangerously tailgating me at over the speed limit after getting needlessly pissed off that someone dare pass him on a completely separate lane. if he were a cautious driver he would maintain his distance and not take the passing personally. Explain that. So much for caution, t his guy was clearly one of those “You shall not pass” idiots.
![]() 07/09/2019 at 11:40 |
I had that happen once. A woman in a New Beetle was blocking the left lane and kept matching the speed of the wheelchair van beside her. The van would back off, but Beetle woman would swerve at people who tried to fit the gap. But it was a four lane highway with a paved median... So me and an E90 blitzed her from the middle. I had my Fiesta at the time, so I engaged the exhaust gunshots, which made her slow down, allowing traffic to rush by and also scare the shit out of her. She actually got in the right lane.
![]() 07/09/2019 at 12:20 |
You came up behind him doing the speed limit on a dark country road and proceeded to follow at a “pretty much tailgating” distance of 1 car length, lights glaring in his mirrors, for the rest of your journey to the airport.
I don’t know about you, but someone tailgating me while I’m cruising at the limit watching the ditches would get me pretty PO’d.
I’d say he was just giving back what you’d given him.
Not trying to call you out here, but it sounds like plenty of asshattery on both sides going on here.
![]() 07/09/2019 at 12:26 |
Ok,I think we’re done here.
You are completely entitled
to your opinion but
seem to keep making excuses and assumptions the more we discuss this so let’s leave it be.
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This is God’s complete truth
![]() 07/09/2019 at 13:18 |
Like usual, when it comes to problematic people, I have some theories
1. When people are driving they usually think they are doing the ideal drive, which means everyone faster is crazy and everyone slower is a moron.
2. They are also not aware of their surroundings for the most part. The stuff in the
windshield is what grabs their attention. I also read up that the herd mentality is a thing, and that people tend to drive close/relative to whoever they are nearby. When their neighbors speed up so do they.
3. For people who are seeing something “unjust” in their windshield, it causes an emotional reaction which disregards any actual common sense.
I want to drive as far away from the same road as these people.
One of the reasons I buy faster cars is to ensure I can do that, by passing, and keeping long far distances from them. People who live in extremely dense trafficked areas are just fucked, and shouldn’t bother with what I write here.
Now , that being said, you can usually take this to your advantage if you have the superior level of hp/tq.
Whenever I can, I normally pass at 20-30 above whatever the other guy is doing, since I also have superior braking so I know i’ll only be doing it for 10 seconds . This discourages anyone in the other lane from doing anything, and for the few that actually try (if you’re going 7 5, they have to be literally doing 115!) j ust let them through so they tie their own noose.
Also, changing lanes to pass at all typically makes the guy you were behind just go randomly faster. So, if you change lanes, apply a little gas, watch the guy next to you start accelerating, just do it a bit longer to seal the deal, and then match the guy’s speed behind him again, only now he’s doing 10 above what he was doing before. Pretty simple and works about 60% of the time .
Exception: d riving through Sedona means you’re stuck behind someone doing 10 under the limit on a double line 2 lane with no passing ability, just enjoy the scenery and turn on some tunes. It can’t be helped.
![]() 07/09/2019 at 13:45 |
I want to blame this on bad lane change habits and misconfigured side mirrors.
At the end there that left lane blocker clearly wants to get over, but sees a vehicle in the mirror SOMEWHERE and is clearly unsure how to move.
I don’t think they’ve ever tried to turn their neck and actually look at their blind spot, and they must be driving slow so that they don’t have to deal with people in front of them, but never understood why the right lane exists for that very reason.